Építő- és bányagép szerelékek
Agrár szerelékek
Széles választékot kínálunk mezőgazdasági munkagépek agrár szerelékeiből. Termékeink között megtalálhatók a rakodó raklapvillák, könnyűanyag kanalak, hidraulikus trágyavillák, bálavillák és rakodó gyorscserélők, melyek mindegyike megkönnyíti és felgyorsítja a munkavégzést.
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For skid steer loaders
We offer attachments specifically designed for skid-steer loaders. The primary advantage of this equipment is that it can be used for different kinds of construction jobs with different attachments. It can be equipped with bucket teeth and wear plates to make transfer of materials more efficient. Equipped with a standard lightweight spoon, it can be used to load lower density materials. For agricultural purposes, we offer special attachments, such as hydraulic manure forks and bale forks. We also keep a wide range of demolition hammers for skid-steer loaders in stock.
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For front loaders
Our attachments offer a solution for moving bulk materials and a variety of other applications for front loaders. A hydraulic or mechanical quick coupler assures that the machine is equipped with the right attachment and is ready for the new task. The high-dump bucket provides an extra tilt angle, while the lightweight bucket is ideal for moving lower-density bulk materials.The reinforced loader bucket has been designed specifically for the most extreme applications. Our attachment portfolio also showcases pallet forks, which are great for agricultural, construction and warehouse use.
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Telescopic handler
Material handling becomes much more efficient with our attachments for telehandlers. Should you be looking for standard, openable or lightweight buckets and pallet forks, we surely have the right model for you or will tailor it to your specific needs. Hydraulic manure forks and bale forks are highly recommended for agricultural purposes.
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Backhoe loader
Multi-purpose backhoe loaders can be used to perform a wide range of tasks, and still, the array of applications can be further expanded with our attachments. Digging buckets available in a variety of mini and midi sizes or ripper teeth are just as good for these machines as a standard or openable bucket. Should you need a fixed, tilting sludge or trapezoidal bucket, or perhaps a demolition hammer, the back of the machine can be used for special purposes, while the front is great for material transfer, which you may choose a pallet fork for. Quick replacement of different attachments can be assured by a mechanical or hydraulic quick coupler.
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