Mi a gyorscserélő?

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Sorry, this entry is only available in Magyar.
What is the most important factor to consider when choosing teeth for a spoon? Price? Or perhaps durability? There is another aspect that is far more important than the previous ones: how efficient it makes your machine. Due to poorly chosen teeth, the fuel consumption of the machine can increase significantly. The extra cost can …
In order to remain competitive and profitable, you need to know your cost structure precisely. If you find a way to reduce costs, you will not only be more competitive, but you can get more work, win more projects and generate more profit. Many people think that every excavator spoon is the same: they dig …
Have you ever wondered what materials the excavator buckets are made of? In this entry we give a detailed description about which materials are used for pins, edges and teeth. Fastening pins The excavator bucket fastening pins are usually made of heat-treated steel. Chromium molybdenum steels may be the main component. Chromium increases resistance to …
Excavators have a number of safety settings, but a single setting does not guarantee a safe operation per se. In order to be able to estimate correctly the security measures required in a given situation, we often have to rely on common sense. This way we can take care of our own safety and of …
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