Order process overview

Information required for placing an order

To select the appropriate parts or attachments, it is essential to give an accurate description of the machine’s properties and know the brand, type and year of manufacturing.

What kind of coupler do you use? How does the attachment connect to the machine? What do you use it for? Do you have any other special needs?

Our colleagues are always at your disposal to help answer these questions.


Order processing


Requesting a quote


Price negotiation, specification and acceptance


Signature of contract, payment advancement


Manufacturing the product


Delivery, settlement of final bill


Request a quote

You can request a quote in two different ways. If you are interested in excavator attachments, use the interactive attachment finder on the right for an immediate quotation. For any other parts or products, you can request a quotation for any product of your choice from our sales staff on the left.


Contact us

Request a quotation from our sales staff in our headquarters.

Ask for a quote

Instant quote for attachments

Use our interactive attachment finder to browse all compatible attachments with your machine and recieve a quote immediately!

Ask for a qoute


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